Saturday, September 5, 2009

first week of school

well i finally got Internet back in my house and I am so happy!
i have just started high school and I am surprised at how easy the work has bin so far. well i am only in the first week of it but that doesn't always mean anything. this Friday was the first day that i rely got any homework but all i need to do is type up a Little essay for math about my goals for this year in math. passing is pretty much the only goal i have though!
I also need to finish a drawing we started in art. it is a drawing of a man that well lets just say is less that prefect WAY LESS THAN PERFECT THAT IS upside down so i guess we will just see how that turns out wont we! well I hope that you all have fun this school year and that none of the work will be to hard for anyone I on the other hand need to go finish my home work TTYL:). P.S. how do ya like my little friend( he is watching you)

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