Friday, April 13, 2007

4-13-07 RANTING

today I am going to talk about ranting. the thing that I will usually rant about are the way that people in my school treat me or the way that some things are set up like the way that my school system is and how it treat the students but the favorite of the two is the way that people treat me like some of the girls in this school always kick me so some times it hurts to walk or put perisher on them and other times they will mack me feel like I am gust a dummy that is there to yell at and ignore but the most personal thing that they can ever do to me is to tack things of min that are special or destroy them that maces me made but all that I can do is cry and for me that means that hey are only having more fun and they will only hurt me more than I can handaland I dont know abou any of you that are or have read this but that gets me so upset that i get so sik that it feals that i will die in a few seconds but I try to look past it and have a few god memorys that I will tresher and so far that is working realy well


Hippie girl said...

Dude, you know I am always here for you. Talk to me. Peace!

angelanna said...

KJERSTI.. It ok dont be mad have fun well you got it girl.